Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.A.
Viale della Tecnica 5 - 37064 Povegliano (VR)
Partita IVA e Cod. Fisc. 0297122 023 7
Cap. Soc. i.v. 2.900.000,00 euro
C.C.I.A.A. Verona N. REA 238833
Reg. Imprese di VR N. 02971220237
Cod. Meccanografico Imp/Exp N. VR044374
Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.A. was created in 1963 in a small building in Povegliano Veronese. Thanks to the experience acquired in more than 40 years of activity in the national and international market, Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.A. has managed to offer a wide range of high quality products with refined finishing and meticulous attention to detail guaranteed by its highly qualified personnel.
Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.A. manufactures its wide range of products
with steel and stamped plates which are subject to continuous quality
controls in order to guarantee excellent performances in building sites
as well as great reliability and longevity.
Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.A. implements a production process that is
compliant with DIN 8593 regulations concerning the irreversible joining
of stamped plates of different elements belonging to the same item
through the technology called “pressure joining” or “clinching”.
This joining process presents many advantages: it is environmentally
friendly and it safeguards the workers’ health (no harming gas or fumes
are used) due to the high mechanical characteristics guaranteed by the
circular geometry of close-joints without notching and with elongated
embossment that provide the coupler with high resistance to tensile
Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.a. it works in an optical of safeguard and guarantee of a strict standards of emergency of the operators, which work in the assembling, modification and disassembling of the scaffolds. Through just the technical study of planning, Ponteggi Edilponte S.p.a. modernizes with new and innovative solutions periodically the own Ministerial Authorizations, with the insertion in the same ones, after Ministerial verification, of the thought accessories guarantor of the security and actions to shipbuilding resolving at best the problematic ones of the modern one.